Hot Weather, Cool Choices: This Summer, Choose Your Best Healthcare Option.

With the summer heat on the rise and sizzling temperatures expected, Te Whatu Ora want to remind everyone to keep cool and look out for one another. Although we’re all susceptible to the heat, some of us are more vulnerable than others. This includes older individuals, infants, pregnant women, those with pre-existing medical conditions or taking certain medications, and those living alone.

There are some simple steps we can all take to reduce our risk of heat-related health issues. Here are a few helpful tips:

  • Be prepared! Check the weather forecast, pack enough water and snacks, and bring a chiller bag.
  • Drink plenty of water and encourage your kids to hydrate frequently as well.
  • Stay in the shade or indoors whenever possible, wear light and loose clothing, and remember to slip, slop, slap, and wrap if you are outside.
  • Never leave children or pets unattended in a parked car.
  • Keep a watchful eye on your neighbors, especially the elderly, to ensure they’re okay.
  • To stay cool indoors, open windows and doors on the shaded side of your house and close curtains or blinds to keep the sun out. Cross-ventilate by opening windows on opposite ends of a room.
  • Keep wet flannels in the fridge to help you cool down, or take a refreshing cold shower.
  • Use a fan to cool down, especially for our elderly relatives.
  • Identify nearby locations with air conditioning that are free to access, such as libraries, malls, or public spaces.
  • If you’re exercising outside, try to do so in the early morning or evening.
  • Don’t forget to call Healthline at 0800 611 116 for free health advice or more information on managing the heat.

And if you’re planning to travel, consider packing a first aid kit that includes over-the-counter medications for cough and cold symptoms and a supply of paracetamol or ibuprofen.

If you do get sick, anywhere in the country, remember to call Healthline at 0800 611 116 for free medical advice and interpreter support.

Let’s look out for one another and stay cool and healthy this summer!