
Pharmacists are trained clinicians who are good first point of call for minor conditions, vaccinations, and free health advice. They can prescribe appropriate treatments or medicines. 

If the pharmacist is unable to help, they can help direct where you should go

Minor Conditions

Pharmacists can give advice and prescribe
for minor conditions including:  

  • Cold/flu and coughs 
  • Cold sores 
  • Skin problems 
  • Diarrhoea / vomiting 
  • Hayfever / allergies  
  • Eye infections 
  • Ear infections 


Some pharmacies also administer vaccinations including the flu vaccine, measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine, meningococcal vaccine, shingles vaccine, and COVID-19 vaccines.

Always call your pharmacy ahead of time to find out if they offer this service, the cost and whether they can order the vaccine for you.

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