Winter wellness – health advice is available 24/7

This winter, healthcare advice is available whenever and wherever you need it.
Healthline is a free over-the-phone health service that all New Zealanders can access for free health advice, information and treatment from professional healthcare providers – and it’s available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
You can call Healthline:
- For advice about your situation and next steps
- If you do not have a GP or cannot get to one
- If you need advice about medicine
- If you are worried or unsure about your health or someone else’s health.
The service is staffed by an experienced, trained team including nurses, paramedics, health advisors and doctors.
When you call Healthline they will ask you about the condition, illness or question you are calling about. They may ask you to send them a picture or a video of what you have called about to help them understand. They can assess your symptoms and recommend the best thing to do
- If you become unwell or are concerned about your health, contact your GP or usual healthcare provider first.
- If you can’t access a GP or don’t have one, you can call Healthline free on 0800 611 116 for health advice and information about what to do next.
- Healthline nurses, paramedics and advisors are available anytime, day or night.
- You can choose to speak with a Māori clinician if you’re calling between 8am and 8pm. Interpreters are available and the Healthline team can arrange to talk to you in your language. When your call is answered, say you’d like an interpreter and the language you’d like to speak in.
- If you are deaf, hard of hearing, speech impaired and need assistance, you can access Healthline using the NZ Relay Service
- Healthline can also call you back – if you don’t need help or advice straight away, or you’re busy, you can ask Healthline to call you by going to, and clicking “request a call back”, entering your details and a nurse or paramedic will call you.